Spirit Release Therapy
Psychic attacks and spiritual influences can imbalance the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.
Good and bad spiritual influences
We are all made up of energy so we can be vulnerable to good and bad spiritual influences which play a role in our welfare.
Positive influences can make us feel enriched and even enlightened however when reversed, we can feel an imbalance in our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being and we may feel weakened.
In the unseen world there exists a continuum of energetic forces, some light and uplifting whereas others can be harmful in attaching themselves to an individual to become influential and/or with an intent to cause harm and distress. Psychic attacks and spiritual influences can imbalance the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being.
In our modern day where ‘new age spirituality’ is becoming ever popular in society, individuals are experiencing their awakening of an inner movement towards consciousness. They are curious to know what is beyond the physical being and are keen to explore the bigger picture which can sometimes lead to a little bit of over-enthusiasm in wanting to connect to other spiritual influences.
What is spirit release therapy?
Spirit release therapy heals the soul.
Sometimes we can experience issues due to the imbalance between our ‘self’ and our ‘spiritual spirit’.
Spirit release therapy is a spiritual approach in helping you to regain control of your own thoughts and sovereignty. It is a compassionate procedure which requires discipline as I work on a mediumistic level with compassion and positive intention.
Spirit release
Earthbound spirits are usually relieved to be helped over the threshold which links our two worlds. Sometimes after the soul leaves the physical body, it may choose to hang around and this can be due to confusion, a traumatic passing or attachment to an object of place but with clients, I mainly work with fearful spirits or those with unfinished business. I have worked with some who were reluctant to leave their host initially but with a bit of gentle loving support and help from my guides, they were happy to cross over to where their loved ones were waiting to celebrate their arrival. All work is carried out with dignity, respect and unconditional love.
At times, I am faced with more challenging spiritual influences and these type of releases are dealt with discreetly.
Please know that this type of work DOES NOT replace conventional medicines for diagnosed medical conditions nor is it promised as a quick fix. You are in fact the 'healer' and are responsible for your own healing and actions. As a sovereign human being (in other words independent and self-ruling with your own free-will), you are in control of your own life based upon your own decision making.
I need to state that Spirit Release Therapy is not a recognised condition in medical science and is therefore not supported by scientific evidence.
Exchange of fee
I do not ask for an outstanding amount in exchange for this work.
If you wish to seek support or just ask a question, please contact me in confidence. There will be no judgement passed and there is no obligation. I do this work because it is my passion and I have financially invested myself.
Spirit Release Therapy
This is a specialist service for the removal of earthbound spirits and astral parasites which exist beyond space and time where I act as the anchor between both worlds. On occasion, I may work with another experienced practitioner where more complex work is involved. Spirit release can be carried out in-person or remotely.
House Checks and Clearings
House clearings are mainly completed remotely. I work confidently with my preferred method and it may take more than one visit to complete as some cases can be more complex.​​
Spiritual House Cleansing
A blessing for the home.
Have you recently moved into a new house? Does the general energy feel heavy?
We are all sensitive to the moods of others and energy changes can be felt in a room. Have you ever walked into a room and recognised that the atmosphere felt heavy after an argument had occurred? Think of the expression 'You could cut the atmosphere with a knife'.
Sometimes, our homes just need a little bit of a spiritual spring clean.​​